Column #51, #105; West Desert Mixed Blends
This sample is a mix of Gray Ledge, West Desert, Moriah Ledge, and Jackson Ledge. The ledge stone has natural straight edges while the West Desert has more rounded shapes. The material is 4-6” thick and will cover approximately 35-45 square feet per ton. The colors include, gray, tan, brown, rust, cream, gold, green, rose, and charcoal. The sample was installed dry stack style. Cap is Tweed Limestone.
This sample is a mix of Gray Ledge, Jackson Ledge and West Desert. Gray Ledge is a quarzitic ledge stone. The colors are a mix of gray, silver, white and blue/gray. The thickness of the stone is 3-4” and will cover approximately 35-45 square feet per ton. Jackson Ledge is a stone with natural straight edges in square, rectangular and ledge shaped pieces. A wide variety of color with black, rose, brown, blue/gray, gold and charcoal make this stone very unique. This stone has a thickness of 3-6” and will cover approximately 35-45 square feet per ton. West Desert is a fieldstone with naturally rounded shapes and sizes. The earth tone colors consist of black, tan, gray, brown and blond. Because it is a surface stone, some lichens will be present in colors of green, black and silver. The stone is 3-5” thick with an approximate coverage of 35-45 square feet per ton. Cap is a Tweed Limestone.
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