Column #5, #64; Mountain Valley Quarry Blend
This Mountain Valley Quarry Blend thin veneer quarzitic sandstone is a mixture of chopped builders showing the split face and squares and rectangles with a natural cleft. This material has been cut to ¾ – 1 ¼ “thick and will weigh 12 lbs. per sq. ft. The colors will be lighter and will include a blend of buff, rust, tan and black. The material was installed with mortar joints. Cap is Tweed Limestone.
Mountain Valley Quarry Blend is a mix of chopped builders with some natural cleft pieces in random sizes of squares and rectangles. The stone has been cut to ¾”- 1 ½” thick which will weigh only 12 lbs. per square foot. The colors are a blend of buff, rust, tan and black. The material was set with mortar joints on one side and dry stack on the other side. Cap is Rustic Gray Limestone.